Solar system installation

Saving money

Renewable and clean energy

25-year warranty

Energy security

Revenue from solar energy
Solar panels form one of the main components of a solar system. Their selection and installation is a delicate task, as it requires careful and accurate calculations, starting from the productive capacity of the panels, volumes, quantity and position to the affordable price offer. It is very important to match the price and quality. At Solara, they know the nuances of this work and can do it in the best way.
Solar panels can be installed both on the roofs of buildings and in free spaces on the ground. Installation of solar power plants is beneficial for individuals, business and agricultural sectors.

Installation of solar panels
The best place for the installation of solar panels is a place where there is the maximum sun. The direction and tilt of the panel are one of the most important factors. It is not possible to get maximum efficiency if the site is not studied beforehand. The task of installing a solar panel is not easy at all, for this you should trust a professional engineering team. However, the ideal productivity from the solar panel is obtained in the case of southward inclination. Solar energy as a renewable energy source is becoming more and more profitable because it is an unlimited source of energy, obtained from the sun, which is converted into electrical energy by means of the Installation of solar panels. Thanks to solar panels, you save on the electricity bill, and gain energy independence, through subsidies, certain benefits, and stable electricity in all seasons of the year. Our specialists offer You also solar system monitoring.
Installation of a solar system
The solar photovoltaic plant is the most common modern solar solution. It is through this that it becomes possible to convert solar energy into direct electric current and get free electricity. Features of the geographical location of the installation of the solar plant, and operational and technical specifications are important in its design and construction phase. Installing a solar system is organized into just a few steps. As a result of the consultation, you receive a specific price offer, a solar energy consulting, sign a contract with the solar company, then the complete solar system is installed and your time to save begins.
Solar panels are a profitable alternative
The electricity productivity of Armenian-made solar panels differs significantly from the production of other countries. Solara uses solar panels produced by the LA SOLAR company operating in the Alliance free economic zone. Solara is a strategic partner of "LA SOLAR GROUP" company, founded in the USA in 2011 and included in the list of 5000 fastest growing businesses of that country. During the 25-year warranty for Armenian solar panels, the efficiency of the panels drops to 80 percent. In 2022 the annual production volume of the plant will increase from 90 MW reached 300.
Solara provides 370-450W MONO-PERC crystal panels. This technology is considered the best in the world.
70 percent of Armenian solar panels marked "MADE IN ARMENIA" are exported to the USA and ensure the high efficiency of receiving solar electricity, and 30 percent reach Armenian consumers and absorb the Armenian sun.
"Solis" brand inverters are used in the SOLARA solar system, which is one of the most profitable products in the world market industry.